A through Z, 0 through 9, plus space, period, ampersand, quote, dollar sign, percent sign, apostrophe, and hyphen.
The full line of SpellBrite®LED Signage is available in Red, White, Blue and Green. We launched the SpellBrite®LED Signage system in red because the human eye can focus on illuminated red letters extremely well. Red also offers the best visibility from a distance. As you drive around town, you’ll notice that illuminated red signs stand out more than any other color and you can read them clearly from a great distance. This is why 90%+ of the OPEN signs you’ll see around town use red for OPEN and other colors such as blue or green as secondary accents.
The sign was developed as an indoor sign and is UL listed and warrantied for indoor use. We do not recommend it for outdoor use, but we understand that some customers have used the sign outdoors, typically placing it where it is protected from the elements.
To clean, wipe gently with a soft, dry cloth. Never immerse SpellBrite® in water or use solvents or chemicals to clean your sign.
Yes, one End Cap Kit is required to complete each sign row. The kit contains the left end cap, right end cap, 2 hanging chains and 2 mounting hooks. The left end cap houses the power in/out jacks, on/off switch, dimmer control and the animation control. The left and right end caps include holes on the top and bottom corners for hanging.
You are really only limited by the height of your windows, although you may generate the greatest success by keeping your message succinct and to the point. Your customers are “on the go” and very busy these days. Make sure they can read your message with a quick turn of the head while driving by at 40-50 mph, day and night.
The number of letters on one sign row is usually limited by the width of your windows. This is easily solved by creating individual signs with end caps that fit within each window frame and mounting them at the same height. Our “Create Your Sign” application will tell you the exact width of your sign as you type your sign into the application.
Use our 10’ DC Power Extension to extend the length of your SpellBrite® AC/DC power supply or car adapter cord by 10 feet. The 10 Foot DC Power Extension is sold separately as an accessory.
We offer multiple options: our 12V 1 Amp and 12V 3 Amp Power Supplies plug into any standard electrical outlet, our 12V AA Battery Pack will let you take your sign “on the go”, and our 12V Car Adapter provides extended illumination using your 12V car/boat battery. We also offer a 10’ long DC extension cable if your power source is far from your sign.
12 volt, DC.
Our “Create Your Sign” application will automatically tell you the power draw of your sign as you type, but a basic rule of thumb: 7 or fewer characters will work with our 12V 1 Amp power supply and 8-21 characters will work with our 12V 3 Amp power supply. SpellBrite® will only pull the power it needs, so you can run 3 letters on our larger 12V3A power supply, for example, without issue. More than 21 letters often requires more than one power supply.
SpellBrite® signs come with a one-year warranty.
Our “Create Your Sign” application will automatically tell you the power draw of your sign as you type, but a basic rule of thumb: 7 or fewer characters will work with our 12V1A power supply and 8-21 characters will work with our 12V3A power supply. SpellBrite® will only pull the power it needs, so you can run 3 letters on our larger 12V3A power supply, for example, without issue. More than 21 letters often requires more than one power supply.
Each SpellBrite® left end cap includes a built-in “Power IN” and a “Power OUT” jack so you can easily pass power from one sign row to another without having to use additional power supplies. Simply plug the power supply into the “Power IN” jack on row 1 and use our 2’ DC Jumper Cable to pass power from row 1 to row 2. As you build multi-row signs in our “Create Your Sign” application, the 2’ DC Power Jumper Cables will be added to your order as needed. Try it here